What is ProcureTech SOURCE?


A place where you can connect with procurement professionals, buyers, and solutions all in one. It is the world’s most comprehensive database of digital procurement solutions, showcasing the leading innovators in the industry, and it is the home to market-defining content and cutting-edge insights giving you a look into the future of digital procurement.

SOURCE is the platform for the digital procurement community.

While SOURCE is open to anyone, many features, including most content, can only be accessed once registered and signed in. There is no cost or fee involved in joining or using SOURCE.

On the platform, you will find:


The latest news, updates, and insights from, and for, the procurement industry. You’ll find every paper, report, newsletter, and update that ProcureTech produces, along with platform-unique insights and datapoints.

Content is organised into channels to help structure their topics and focus:

  • News & Trends: what's trending now in the digital procurement community.
  • Think & Design: find inspiration, strategy insights, design ideas, objectives, and future-looking analysis.
  • Build & Scale: read about how to build, implement, select, grow, and scale your digital procurement.
  • Run & Perform: take your digital procurement to the next level, read about how to move forward once you're up and running.
  • Inspiration & Future Thinking: analysis, forecasts, and inspiration relating to the future of digital procurement


The platform has the most comprehensive database of digital procurement solutions in the world, explore the total database and see which solutions might be right for your digital procurement needs, or look at the current ProcureTech100.


Connect with the digital procurement community and ecosystem, explore users, profiles, and discussions. Many of these discussions take place in rooms, smaller spaces focused on specific topics and allowing participants or members of the room to share their views and ideas.


Learn and grow through unique learning modules, experiences, and insights. Over the coming months, ProcureTech will be releasing a breadth of learning modules and experiences. The first of these is a general introduction to how to you use SOURCE, which you can find here.

Register here and experience the power of SOURCE for yourself